Choral response, learning from mistakes, and pre-teaching
A comparison of two different approaches
Strategies, how students learn, and a nice worksheet
Otherwise known as whiteboards on the wall
Vocabulary, Coaching, and Written Feedback
Where you could start, and where you could get to
Feedback, homework, and being brilliant
If you don't, studetns' attention will never be where we need it to be
Performance versus learning, cognitive endurance, and a lovely maths task
Why maths teachers cannot resist this type of question, and why it is a problem
Teaching multiple strands, AI, and motivating students
How good are teachers at matching up questions to the exams they came from?
A fun game to play with your colleagues
Many teachers don't, and it is a problem
Thinking hard, relationships, and Don Steward
More musings on the process of Atomisation
Assessment, lesson objectives, and AI
Using Claude and ChatGPT to help us convey purpose
Ofsted, knowing v doing, and the expertise-reveral effect
If this is going to fail in 2 months time, what will have gone wrong?
Analogies, To-do lists, and the science of reading
An example from an ECT I coach
Listening, Cold Call, and hinge questions
Why this happens, why it is important, and what to do about it
Silence, coaching, and errors
Sharing the work I have been doing with one maths department
Praise, Do Nows, and working memory
The difference between lesson creation, curation, adaption and preparation
Low participation tasks, Curriculum for Excellence, and a Do Now routine
This is a game-changer for extracting data and insights from any sources
Testing, implementation, and simple versus easy
It can lead to lots of problems
The capabilities of AI in September 2024 – Part 3
Changing minds, shame, and routines
The capabilities of AI in September 2024 – Part 2
Reading, AI and intelligence
The capabilities of AI in September 2024 – Part 1
Routines, priorities and theories
How you can use the Hypothesis Model to improve your own teaching
The 5 most popular tips I have shared this year
Mistakes, Ofsted, and effective CPD
Examining the pros and cons of each
Independent tasks, learning words, and homework
A new book, rehersal when coaching, and the power of interdependencies
It's motivating, it boosts maths confidence, and its 100% free
Shared curriculum, one-pages, and variety in maths lessons
A deep dive into the I Do phase of a worked example
Starts of lessons, rehearsing decisions, and adressing area misconceptions
Considering this question can help teachers overcome the logitical barriers
Feedback, rate of learning, and the curriculum
If you are not careful, they can trip you up!
Let's tap into the surprising power of the hypercorrection effect
Exam stress, feedback loops, and ChatGTP-4o
Why this is my all-time favourite question, and how to use it
Attention contagion, independent learning, and email feedback
Testing, prior knowledge, and mini-whiteboards
How to plan for the in-between times
Questions for memory, conceptual understanding, and maths revision
I take this into every lesson I watch, and use this in every coaching session I deliver
Suvivroship bias, memorisation, and retreival buy-in
A common practice in many schools could be a wasted opportunity if we are not careful
Mini-whiteboards, mind-wandering, and ineffective CPD
Ideas to embedd proble-solving consistently in your curriculum
Stories, attention, and maths gems
Ideas to improve one of my favourite task structures
Rehearsal, assessments, and naked explanations
Worked examples, SEND, and AI tutors
Improving teaching, student absence, and tageting indicators
Ideas for making the most of this powerful question structure
Calling out, fixing the Do Now, and multi-tasking
An example from a school I am supporting
Feedback, inclusive classrooms, and more feedback!
An example from a school I was supporting
Stepping away from the speaker, messy markbooks, and GCSE Maths revision
Pace, productive struggle, and free maths resources
The Eedi Ultimate Collection just got even bigger!
A review of the best tips, articles, podcasts and blogs from 2023
Ask these four questions when confronted with a new idea
PISA, ChatGPT, and mobile phones
How many of these do you recognise?
Wrong answers, 100%, and unintended consequences
Experience, worksheets, and Christmas!
Where to find, and how to use, one of the best maths activities
Skills v knowledge, live coaching, and conceptual understanding
Oh, and neither does correcting in purple and red pens
Klaxons, checks for listening, and the first 10 minutes of a lesson
Insights from my new favourite research paper
Improving teaching, QLAs, and product of prime factors
Why pushing for depth is not always optimal
Thinking time, One Note, and group coaching
Three examples that stopped me being a rehersal sceptic
Could the following happen in your classroom?