Eedi empowers students at All Saints Catholic Academy, Mansfield, to surpass their targeted grades, while low ability groups shine alongside high ability groups.

Curriculum Lead at All Saints Mansfield, Michael Mooney, tells us how through Eedi's tailored support, engaging content, and personalised approach, they have witnessed significant improvements in their students' progress in maths and get impressive academic outcomes.

Here’s how teachers at All Saints Mansfield have so far used Eedi to provide over 55 hours of extra learning time since September using Eedi’s powerful lesson interventions to help their students resolve over 88% of their misconceptions.

Quick facts

Mansfield, UK

Secondary school

1000 pupils


Misconception resolved rate

“With my nurture group in Year 7, they have struggled with a lot of the topics, particularly with negative numbers and fractions, and Eedi has given them more confidence, they feel safe I think. My Year 8s results this year have been outstanding, when last year they were quite weak, and they were weak compared to a parallel set. The only discernible difference between myself and the parallel set teacher is that I've been using Eedi. So it’s been a massive success for me. Their results are on par with top sets.”

Michael Mooney, Curriculum Lead

Misconceptions highlighted with tailored interventions for every student

All Saints' Catholic Academy, who pride themselves on being the best performing school in Mansfield, use Eedi’s innovative motivational features and personalised approach as a valuable tool for their teachers seeking to enhance their students' understanding and ultimately, maths performance.

"I predominantly use it with my lower sets in KS3," shares Michael Mooney, from All Saints Macclesfield. "What Eedi does really well is explain their misunderstandings in a very simplistic way, as well as giving them further practice and the chance to rectify misconceptions live and on the spot. It's really helpful for teachers because when you're trying to teach so many kids all at once, it's near impossible to address every single misconception. But that's what Eedi does really well — it helps each individual student with their unique misunderstandings."

Eedi Plus provides access to live tutoring for enhanced support

Recognising the need for additional, targeted support that one teacher cannot provide on their own, Michael has recommended Eedi Plus to some of his students’ parents. The presence of live tutors to provide instant assistance has proven to be a game-changer.

“I have recommended Eedi Plus, Eedi’s premium version, to quite a few of our weaker kids. The fact that they have the live tutors there to support them is fantastic.” 

“One girl who is targeted for a grade 4 this year. She's always got 1s throughout school, in Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, start of year assessments she got a 1 again, so I was thinking, what what can I do? So I sat down with her mum and showed her Eedi Plus, and she said that she was willing to pay for it for the extra support. And then she got it, she got her target grade 4! It was a huge success story.”

Free personalised support and engaging content

The greatest advantage of Eedi lies in its ability to provide direct, individualised support to students. By identifying and addressing their unique misconceptions, Eedi empowers teachers to deliver tailored assistance where it is needed most, by taking care of 90% of misconceptions on the spot, freeing up teachers precious time. 

“The best thing about Eedi for me is having a facility which helps each individual student directly, it identifies their individual misconceptions which is brilliant because in maths there are, as you know, 1000s of misconceptions that they can make per topic. It just gives us the confidence that we're giving them that tailored support that they do need.”

“Eedi has such engaging content, it’s simple to use, not over the top. You can get lost in loads of different websites, but the presentation of misconceptions and the addressing of individual misconceptions is the best feature.”

Engaging and motivating students through gamification

Eedi understands the importance of motivation in learning. Its avatars and personalisation elements captivate students, keeping them engaged and eager to explore more. The chat-style learning function, reminiscent of their everyday smartphone interactions, further reinforces their interest in the subject. 

“Eedi knows how to motivate students, they’re always adjusting their avatars and enjoy the personalisation elements. Eedi helps students to engage with the maths content, they like the chat-style learning function, I suppose because they’re always on their phones and it’s similar to that! Eedi really speaks to the kids. They often ask ‘Can we go on Eedi today?’”

Outstanding results

With the integration of Eedi into their Year 7 nurture group, Michael witnessed remarkable transformations. 

“With my nurture group in Year 7, they have struggled with a lot of the topics, particularly with negative numbers and fractions, and Eedi has given them more confidence, they feel safe I think. My Year 8s results this year have been outstanding, when last year they were quite weak, and they were weak compared to a parallel set. The only discernible difference between myself and the parallel set teacher is that I've been using Eedi. So it’s been a massive success for me. Their results are on par with top sets.”

For more information on how you can help your students surpass their target grades through Eedi's personalised interventions, book a introduction to Eedi session by clicking here.

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