Help all your students succeed in math

Eedi identifies and resolves over 90% of students’ misconceptions using best-in-class pedagogy and fully-qualified tutors.
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Our tools are trusted by over 160,000 teachers in 19,000 schools around the world.

“We designed Eedi to support the wonderful work you do in the classroom. Together we can help your students reach their full potential.”

Craig Barton

Craig Barton

Leading UK maths teacher, bestselling author & co-founder of Eedi.

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Test understanding in 2,000 math skills

Diagnostic questioning assesses what children already know and understand, and identifies the specific nature of any gaps. Anonymised data, from questions answered by 19,000 schools, highlights the most common misconception.

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How teachers in the UK and across the world are using Eedi to make an impact on their students maths progress.

Resolve more than 90% of students’ misunderstandings in math

Our intelligent and user-friendly chat system is very popular with our students! It prompts them to think about their answers, and suggests a bespoke lesson if they are struggling to find the solution.

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How Witton Park Academy uses Eedi’s powerful lesson interventions to help their students resolve 91% of their misconceptions

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Assess, practise and extending understanding

With tens of thousands of questions, covering multiple curricula appropriate for ages 9-16, teachers will always find content to suit every student - whether they need consolidation, practise or challenge.

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How Ecclesbourne School, UK, witnesses real results with Eedi

Boost your impact with one-on-one support

With Eedi Plus+, students can access a tutor within 10 seconds, giving every child the opportunity to receive high-level support, at any time from fully-qualified math teachers.  Available from 9am-8pm (GMT), 7-days a week.

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How the Cheadle Academy increases access to tuition with Eedi Plus

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Improve class effort and engagement

Students keep coming back for more with Eedi. Not only are they motivated by the excellent progress they make in maths, but they also value the rewards Eedi gives them in exchange for their dedication and their hard work, saving you time and effort chasing incomplete work.

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How the Commonwealth Academy, VA, uses Eedi to empower their students who once hated maths.

Evidence-Driven Learning for All

Discover how Eedi blends behavioural science with big data to revolutionize learning. Our approach is rooted in rigorous research and shared insights, ensuring every student can excel.

Eedi Research

Advancing pedagogy responsibly using big data.

Benefits of using Eedi

  • Resolve 90% of students’ misunderstandings without adding to teacher workload
  • No child left behind - FREE personalised learning for everyone
  • Tens of thousands of questions covering multiple curricula appropriate for ages 9-16
  • Research-backed pedagogical approaches created by teachers for teachers
  • Cost-effective online tutoring gives even more support with Eedi Plus
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