Students at St Mary's College showed significant improvement in maths progress after using Eedi in a mini-trial.

Students at St Mary's College recently took part a mini-trial along with two other schools to evaluate the real impact on Eedi on maths performance. The results were impressive and the students who used Eedi scored an impressive 14% higher in post-Eedi tests compared to their peers who didn't use the platform, while non-Eedi students saw a 6% improvement.

Here’s how teachers at St Mary's College have so far used Eedi to provide over 173 hours of extra learning time since September using Eedi’s powerful lesson interventions to help their students resolve over 93.5% of their misconceptions.

Quick facts

Hull, UK

Secondary school

2000 pupils


Misconception resolved rate

“I particularly like Eedi for the extra challenging Stretch and Challenge quizzes. A lot of my students really like watching the videos for step-by-step support. I allow them to use their Chromebooks in lessons to listen and watch them, the videos are really good. The students often tell me they genuinely believe they’re helpful as well, so that’s great."

Angela Ross, St Mary's College

Evaluating Eedi's impact

By participating in a mini-randomised controlled trial (RCT) with two other schools, St Mary's College sought to gauge the impact of Eedi on raising attainment in mathematics, specifically focusing on two middle-ability classes—one as a control group and the other as an intervention group.

The trial's results were impressive. Students who utilised Eedi demonstrated significantly greater progress in the targeted maths topic compared to those who did not. On average, students using Eedi scored an impressive 14% higher in post-Eedi tests, whereas their non-Eedi counterparts achieved a 6% improvement. This evidence establishes the positive impact of Eedi in enhancing students' performance in mathematics.

We spoke to Angela Ross from St Mary's College who shed light on the various ways in which Eedi has transformed their classroom practices and improved student outcomes.

Individualised support for the students who need it most

"We use Eedi a lot in class time, and it's so useful being able to instantly see which students are going through the questions quickly, and which ones are struggling so I can then go and help those students on an individual level".

Eedi's real-time feedback enables teachers to identify students' areas of struggle promptly and provide targeted support, whilst Eedi clears up over 90% of misconceptions in the meantime.

“We are quite lucky as all of our students across the school have their own Chromebook, so we use Eedi on a regular basis using those. I like using it to continually check how they’re getting on. Understand areas where they’re struggling, which students are getting through the questions really easily and with no issues and so on.”

“I have two year 8 classes, and one is a set two and one is a set three. Now it’s the set three class that have Eedi Plus, and there's very little comparison between the two classes, which considering that they are strictly different ability is quite nice. So I can see that their confidence is growing as well. So I think that's been quite positive.”

Eedi's implementation has narrowed the gap between different ability groups, boosting confidence and creating a more inclusive learning environment where all students have access to effective tools for improvement.

“The students like how they know they aren’t going to always be asked lots and lots of questions. Generally if they actually think about the diagnostic questions for the first time, and don’t just guess, they can move onto the next stage without having to take an intervention. So actually putting effort in, means less work!” Angela Ross, St Mary's College

Data-driven insights

“The biggest benefit for me is the data. Being able to get quick information on how each student is doing, and how the class is doing overall. I can easily and quickly see which ones are struggling and spend my time with those students because we do it during class time. I can see their answer, and ask them “what are your thoughts on this?” and give them individual support.”

Eedi's data analytics offer invaluable insights into individual and class performance, enabling teachers to tailor their instruction, identify struggling students, and provide targeted interventions promptly.

An effective revision tool covering all maths topics

“I tend to get the students to use Eedi for revision when we've got assessments coming up. I’ve recommended that they go back through all the content we’ve covered this year on Eedi, to make sure that they’ve got the basics nailed down."

Eedi's comprehensive content, to review and test over 2000 maths skills, empowers students to revisit previously covered topics independently, solidifying their foundational knowledge before assessments.

“We’ve got some quite dedicated students that will go back and do loads of past quizzes on Eedi, and they like that they can choose what topics to do. That’s quite nice." Angela Ross, St Mary's College

Stretch and challenge for students who have nailed a concept

“I particularly like Eedi for the extra challenging Stretch and Challenge quizzes. A lot of my students really like watching the videos for step-by-step support. I allow them to use their Chromebooks in lessons to listen and watch them, the videos are really good. The students often tell me they genuinely believe they’re helpful as well, so that’s great." Angela Ross, St Mary's College

Eedi's Stretch and Challenge quizzes provide students with additional opportunities to push their boundaries and deepen their understanding through step-by-step video support, fostering a growth mindset and instilling confidence.

For more information on how you can help your students significantly improve their maths results with Eedi, book a introduction to Eedi session by clicking here. If you'd like to sign up to a mini-RCT and get Eedi Plus for free, please book a call by clicking here.

More case studies

All Saints' Catholic Academy, UK

Curriculum Lead at All Saints Mansfield, Michael Mooney, tells us how through Eedi's tailored support, engaging content, and personalised approach, they have witnessed significant improvements in their students' progress in maths and get impressive academic outcomes.

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All Hallows Catholic High School, UK

Suzanne Walsh, Head of Numeracy at All Hallows Catholic High School, shares how the platform empowers her students to be independent learners and take ownership over their learning, alleviates departmental workload, and creates opportunities for individualised support to the pupils who need it the most.

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