Witton Park Academy uses Eedi to build strong learning routines and develop independent learners.

Maths teacher, Jennifer Robinson, tells us how she uses Eedi to establish strong learning routines, encourage independent learning, foster engagement and class discussion, and unlock student potential!

Here’s how teachers at Witton Park Academy have so far used Eedi to provide over 102 hours of extra learning time using Eedi’s powerful lesson interventions to help their students resolve 91% of their misconceptions.

Quick facts

Blackburn, UK

Secondary school

1230 pupils


Misconception resolved rate

"The pupils feel very safe using Eedi, it feels like they know what they're doing. They love the motivational features, including looking on the leaderboard to see where they are in the school, and in the country and also where our school is globally! Earning coins for their work and creating avatars I feel has also helped to have a good engagement with their work. I feel that they have found it really encouraging and I think they're really motivated by it."

Jennifer Robinson, Maths Teacher

Build strong learning routines and motivation in maths

"At the moment, I've been using it two hours a week at our school over several classes. We start our lessons with a "Do Now" starter activity and have also reinforced this as part of our establishing classroom routines post pandemic to help create a routine with positive learning habits."

Jennifer explains that Eedi has become an integral part of Witton Park Academy's daily routine, fostering a culture of active engagement and motivation in mathematics. With the "Do Now" approach, students dive into their maths exercises, setting the tone for the lesson.

"What I've found, and what we've found as a school, is that when the pupils enter the classroom, they engage straight away with Eedi. They all have a Chromebook, they know exactly what they need to do, it’s helping to establish them as independent learners. I've even found that pupils are going on it even before I have arrived at the classroom. … So it's been really helpful to establish strong learning routines, and growing confidence and motivation in maths."

Breaking barriers of ability and empowering every student

"On a Monday afternoon, I often arrive at the class after them and when I turn up to the classroom, they have pretty much always started already. It’s been absolutely fantastic to have pupils actually engaging. The Head of Maths came into the classroom with me the other day, and she said it’s absolutely brilliant that the pupils didn’t need any instructions. Straightaway, the pupils had logged on, because they’re in the routine of using Eedi. They actually like it too, they find it helpful, we all find it useful."

Eedi's intuitive design and comprehensive support resources have levelled the playing field for students with varying academic abilities, surpassing initial concerns Jennifer had. Lower ability classes have experienced remarkable progress, as students confidently navigate the platform, accessing the necessary support and resources.

"I have found that even with a lower ability class, even where the reading level was below average for their age, they were able to access the information and access help and support. It's been really good."

Increased engagement, discussion, and deep understanding

"The pupils feel very safe using Eedi, it feels like they know what they're doing. They love the motivational features, including looking on the leaderboard to see where they are in the school, and in the country and also where our school is globally! Earning coins for their work and creating avatars I feel has also helped to have a good engagement with their work. I feel that they have found it really encouraging and I think they're really motivated by it."

Eedi's interactive and gamified elements help to captivate students' interest, so the learning experience is exciting and rewarding. Witton Park Academy's students have embraced the platform's motivational features, such as leaderboards, virtual rewards, and personalised avatars, to increase student engagement, fuel their motivation and enthusiasm. 

Valuable instant insights to lead to impactful classroom discussions

"For me as a teacher, what I'm finding is that I can obviously pick up misconceptions really quickly and easily when I'm setting the work. I love being able to look at which have been addressed and which still need addressing. It's really, really helpful for my planning. And it's also generated lots of discussion within class time. At first I thought they were just telling each other the answers when I heard them talking, I was a bit concerned. But then I realised, oh, no, they're not just telling each other the answer! Actually, they had been having a discussion about the common misconceptions and explaining to each other why someone might have chosen that answer. It’s fantastic and it happens quite a lot! Even more so in the lower ability class!”

Eedi empowers teachers with valuable insights into knowledge gaps. By analysing real-time results, teachers can promptly identify and address remaining misconceptions, facilitating targeted interventions. Furthermore, Eedi’s diagnostic questions encourage classroom discussions, where students engage in conversations with each other, analysing common misconceptions and explaining their reasoning.

“I find it really helpful that I can look at the results instantly to see where they're at after using it as a starter activity. And once the pupils have done the starter task, I will then go straight to the results and we then discuss as a class which ones they found difficult, which ones they found challenging, and why. And I can then use that as a teaching point. And if I don't use it within that lesson, I then know to bring that teaching point into my future planning. I use it to inform my lessons.”

For more information on how Eedi can help your students improve maths performance, confidence and empower your maths department, book a introduction to Eedi session by clicking here.

More case studies

St Mary's College, UK

Students at St Mary's College recently took part a mini-trial along with two other schools to evaluate the real impact on Eedi on maths performance. The results were impressive and the students who used Eedi scored an impressive 14% higher in post-Eedi tests compared to their peers who didn't use the platform, while non-Eedi students saw a 6% improvement.

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Ecclesbourne School, UK

Head of Maths at Ecclesbourne School, Moya Weighill, tells us how her department leverage Eedi’s powerful diagnostic and intervention features to inform lesson planning, and how they have witnessed real maths progress through improved test results.

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Castlebay Community School, UK

Maths teacher, Sam Richards, from Castlebay Community School, tells us how through Eedi's tailored intervention support she is able to ensure every student receives the one-to-one attention they deserve.

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